It’s difficult to read a statement like “Happy Earth Day” and not read it as “Happy Earth” Day. Which feels rather trite, as the Earth herself does not seem happy at all. In fact, recent years have proven her to be sort of a bitch, stomping around passive aggressively in response to hundreds of years of humanity using her resources, under-appreciating her majesty and killing off their fellow man so that they can do more of the resource using. She’s not happy, so why should we be happy?
Nihilism aside, it is Earth Day after all and we’re not one to turn away from a good party. However, it’s important that while you’re out there celebrating by buying organic, recycling beer bottles and picking up trash and used condoms down by the boardwalk — the boardwalk — that we allow our weekly Scenes We Love feature to remind you of Earth’s fragile state. She may seem like a big hunk of rock from the ground view, but don’t forget that all it takes is a filmmaker like Michael Bay or Mimi Leder to come along and blow it all up with the best computer generated visual trickery that 1998 had to offer. To celebrate Earth Day, we’d like to present two of our favorite renditions of Earth’s demise: the opening of Armageddon and the comet landing scene in Deep Impact.
The opening of Armageddon:
The comet landing in Deep Impact:
Duck and cover with more Scenes We Love.
What’s your favorite rendition of the destruction of Earth?