This week’s Shot by Shot podcast tackles one of the greatest films of all-time.
We’re going all in for the latest episode of Shot by Shot, the official cinematography podcast of One Perfect Shot and Film School Rejects, in which myself and co-host Geoff Todd are talking about a film most consider to be one of the best ever made, and some consider the best ever made: Alfred Hitchcock’s 1958 masterpiece Vertigo, which was shot by Hitch’s most frequent collaborator, Oscar-winning cinematographer Robert Burks.
Vertigo is hands down Hitchcock’s most experimental film, and as a result it boasts the most innovative and nuanced cinematography of the director’s career, including the dolly zoom, a shot so synonymous with the film it was once primarily known as “the Vertigo shot.”
If this is your first listen to our show, the format’s simple: each week Geoff and I each pick a few shots from a certain film and discuss their effect and significance. Already we’ve done episodes on 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mad Max: Fury Road, Silence, Drive, and Shaun of the Dead, and next week we’re talking about the Coen Brothers’ Fargo, a film shot by the man I for one consider our greatest living cinematographer: Roger Deakins.
Be sure to give us a follow so you can be kept up to date on new episodes and shows. We’re on Twitter @OnePerfectPod and Facebook at, and you can find your two hosts on Twitter as well: @TheGeoffTodd and @HPerryHorton.
And if you like what you hear — spoiler alert: you’re going to — be sure to subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a single episode of us or any of the other shows in our family of OnePerfectPodcasts.
Dig the ‘cast below, and below that a gallery of the shots featured in this week’s discussion.
The Perfect Shots of ‘Vertigo’ was originally published in Film School Rejects on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.