Bart Layton‘s documentary The Imposter was warmly welcomed at SXSW (and other fests) for its icy shudder-inducing premise. It’s about…a person…but to describe that person would undercut the effectiveness of this insanely well-cut trailer.
For now, know that it’s about a kidnapped boy, an emotionally demolished family, and a piece of miraculous news from across the Atlantic Ocean.
Check out the trailer for yourself:
Alright, so the name is a giveaway, and the trailer isn’t subtle, but there’s still that glimmering chance that the family could have just gone collectively mad – rejecting their son after his return because of what they perceived to be differences.
Of course, hope is dead. This is a dastardly story. Talk about compelling.
On another note, if you check out the cast listing, it includes a lot of actors because the film is composed of re-enactments amidst real-life footage. At any rate, it looks like an excellent project.