In The Words, Bradley Cooper stars as a writer who builds a bit of success off of another man’s work and sees that decision spiral outward (and downward). With Jonah Lehrer and Fareed Zakaria making headlines for not being completely honest with readers, plagiarism is a hot topic in our information-fueled culture, so writer/directors Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal join me to discuss their new movie where theft becomes a metaphor for ambition in a society short on patience.
They also pass down the lessons they learned making their first feature and reveal the one item every director should own.
On This Week’s Show:
True Romance [The Beginning - 1:00]: A brief remembrance of Tony Scott.
Good Running Shoes [1:00 - The End]: Klugman and Sternthal talk The Words.
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Last Time on the Show:
What the Movie World of 2017 Will Look Like
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