A while back, there was a burst of videos which recast wholesome, loveable characters as horror icons. It was all launched by the absolutely brilliant Scary Mary Poppins which probably worked because there’s something fundamentally terrifying about the movie that’s lacquered over by a silly, musical tone. After all, Mary isn’t all sunshine and puppy dog ice cream. She’s sarcastic and forceful (and she has a handbag full of umbrellas, lamps and all of the props from Hostel).
In that same spirit, born from the ancient internet (six whole years ago!), we’ve asked our resident video masher to do the opposite: take something horrific and make it funny. As usual, ChugsTheMonkey delivers.
He’s chosen to remix The Exorcist (which coincidentally just made the Championship Round in our bracket tournament search for the Scariest Movie Ever) as a 1980s-style sitcom. After all, it’s basically like Small Wonder with a Satan-infused child instead of a robot to begin with. Who knew that all that was missing from William Friedkin‘s horror classic was a laugh track?