If there’s one thing that can be said for “Twilight Saga” author Stephenie Meyer, it’s that she tried something new with her first non-”Twilight” book, “The Host.” Emphasis on the tried. The similarities are there – both stories center on leading ladies who don’t fancy themselves to be the leading lady type who somehow get caught up in supernatural-ish plots with wide-reaching implications and, oh, don’t forget those love triangles. Don’t you ever forget those love triangles! But “The Host” was written for a somewhat older-skewing audience, and its aliens-on-earth plot is both more interesting and more well-built than whatever the heck it was that Meyer was going for with “Twilight” (sorry, Twi-hards, really).
So why then does Andrew Niccol‘s big screen take on The Host just seem so terribly boring? At least, that’s how it looks in the film’s first long-form trailer. It’s certainly a keener and cleaner look at the film than the very tease-heavy teaser trailer from March, which seemed to hinge almost totally on the viewer’s perceived awareness of the property, but it’s still makes The Host look like Twilight with aliens. Take a look after the break.
The Host opens on March 29, 2013. [MTV]