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Movie News After Dark: How Obama Saved Star Wars, Webcomics and Kaiju Attacks!


Obama Wan Kenobi

What is Movie News After Dark? It’s a nightly mashing together of things about film and television because that’s what the kids on the Internet are into these days — mashing things together.

Obama Wan Kenobi – We begin this evening with an oddly drawn but somewhat sensible conclusion about what Barack Obama had to do with saving Star Wars. And by “saving,” we’re of course referring to the part where George Lucas sold Star Wars and LucasFilm to Disney, placing it in capable, active hands that will no doubt save it with many wonderful films that have nothing to do with the prequels. Or something like that. Either way, /Film found this link and I say it’s worth a read. 

10 Movies That Need Love, Too – Film critic and film critic watchdog Erik Childress has taken to Movies.com with a list of ten films that need help from film critics this awards season. Although in fairness, I read a lot of film criticism and blogging and whatnot and I’ve heard plenty about Beasts of the Southern Wild. Yes, it is very good. Moving on.

Goodbye, Theater Hopper – Anyone who knows me knows that I’m always looking for great webcomics (and always desperately hoping that said webcomics will get a great iPad app that will let me read easily and support the artists). Over the past few years, there are really two that I’ve truly loved, Questionable Content and Theater Hopper. I haven’t read either in a few months, so I completely missed the fact that Theater Hopper finished its run on August 6 of this year, a little over 10 years after it debuted. It’s a great comic that deserves to be read in its entirety. Tom Brazelton’s writing is all kinds of fun. His mold is one that I’d love to find for a future weekly comic on FSR. But until we get there, you should go back and read Theater Hopper. Here’s one particularly funny early strip that has always sort of stuck with me:

© Tom Brazelton, Theater Hopper

James Gunn and Sexism – Over at Badass Digest, Meredith Borders addresses some recent hullabaloo about James Gunn, alleged director of Guardians of the Galaxy, who wrote a post about Superheroes You Most Want to Have Sex With on his blog back in 2011. It’s the sort of thing we expect from Gunn, who’s very funny and not to be taken entirely seriously, as he’s a man who knows how to deliver satire. Well, someone at The Mary Sue took umbrage. And now we’re talking about this almost two-year old article again. Luckily, rationality has Borders on its side.

Did You Know? Of the Day – Did you know that Christopher Nolan originally approached Heath Ledger to play Bruce Wayne? This was before Batman Begins, at which time Ledger told Nolan that he’d never do “this kinda film.” For the betterment of all superhero movies, he eventually changed his mind and got some scars.

Ultraviolet is Killing DVD and Blu-rays – The always lovely and astute Katey Rich at CinemaBlend has some things to say about Ultraviolet. No, she’s not talking about the fact that it’s the single most difficult online streaming service in the history of the Internet. She’s talking business and how this kind of thing is no good for DVD and Blu-rays. Then again, the bigger question might be: should we really be worried about saving DVD and Blu-ray? Also, Digital Copy 4 Life!

KAIJU ATTACK! – We end tonight’s somewhat brief (so as not to overload your already tired minds) edition of MNAD with a new viral video for Pacific Rim. Remember when Guillermo Del Toro told the Comic-Con audience in July that there would be no new promotional material for this movie until 2013? Well, either that guy now believes that the Mayans were right or WB is going to show us a trailer very soon? As in, with The Hobbit maybe? Either way, there’s a frame near the end of this video that shows an aircraft carrier-sized monster. F*** Y** M*****f****** Y**!

Need more? Read last night’s Movie News After Dark.

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