Why Watch? To its credit, Craigslist has plenty of warnings. Watch out for scams, people who demand that you wire money and terrifying things living inside the free chair you just snagged from a kind stranger.
Drew Daywalt and his nightmarish visions are no stranger to this column. Neither is A.J. Bowen, who co-stars in this quick story of a young woman (Kaylee Score) just off the boat in Los Angeles trying to outfit her apartment with some gratis furniture. The result is a keen display of horror construction and special make-up effects. There’s a slightly indulgent jump scare just before the conclusion, but otherwise, it’s about as clean and effective as a scare can get. Plus, there’s a twisted creativity behind the horrifying truth of the chair. This short might do for sitting in your living room what Jaws did for hanging around with Roy Scheider.
Hat tip to reader Andrew F. for suggesting it.
What will it cost? Around 20 minutes.