Tonight’s edition of Movie News After Dark is a Friday free-for-all. William Shatner fights Gorn, WonderCon explodes, Ron Burgundy reproduces, we learn lessons of Westeros and I sit the Iron Throne in defiance of the North Korean threat to central Texas.
- Shatner fights Gorn (again) – In a new promo for the forthcoming Star Trek: The Video Game.
- Ten Reasons to Attend WonderCon – It’s actually quite fun, I’m told.
- Does Ron Burgundy have a son? – New photos indicate that as “The Legend Continues” in Anchorman 2, there might be a smaller, less mustachioed Burgundy. Time will tell, San Diego.
- Voyage to Westeros – Kayak has begun taking reservations for ships to King’s Landing. They’re a little outside my price range, but you might want to go.
- Seven things learned about Game of Thrones season 3 – The sharply-dressed Todd Gilchrist takes to the pages of IndieWire to talk about a bunch of things that might be worth knowing about the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. From what I can tell, these aren’t spoilers, but they’re interesting nonetheless.
- North Korea’s American targets are known – And one of them is Austin, Texas, home of this very website. This has to have something to do with my very manly beard and Kim Jong Un’s lack of a manly beard. Has to. As further evidence, allow me to present this image of yours truly seated in my rightful seat: the Iron Throne. See, we weren’t done with Game of Thrones just yet…