Though his older brother Chris Hemsworth jumped a bit ahead in terms of fame factor after starring as Thor in the Marvel Comics movie of the same name, it’s starting to look like younger brother Liam Hemsworth is poised for a comeback. He’s all set to play Gale Hawthorne in the sure to be ridiculously high profile The Hunger Games as well as join forces with a bunch of action movie legends as Bill ‘The Kid’ Timmons in The Expendables 2 coming up in 2012. And, you know what they say in Hollywood (not really), with great notoriety comes great castability, so Hemsworth is now seeing some offers for starring roles coming in as well.
According to THR, the young up-and-comer is currently negotiating with Relativity Media to take the lead in their upcoming drama Timeless, which is about a man who is struggling to develop a scientific method of turning back time after the death of his wife. You know what that means fellas: all this one needs is some shots of Hemsworth’s handsome face looking sad, some swelling music, and a declaration of never letting love die in the trailer, and your girlfriend is going to absolutely force you into the theater to see this one.
The good news is that the experience might not be so bad for you, because Bill Kelly, the guy who wrote Enchanted, wrote the script for this one as well. Enchanted managed to be pretty fun despite the fact that it was way, way girlie, so maybe he could go two-for-two. Phillip Noyce is set to direct, and I really only know him from doing political type espionage stuff like Clear and Present Danger and Salt, so I don’t know how to react to his involvement. Maybe Timeless will have a couple of action sequences too? Fun for everybody!