What is Movie News After Dark? It’s a nightly collection of movie news, stories, articles, happenings and thingamajigs that is not interested in your excuses, just your unwavering loyalty.
We begin tonight with a new look at Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows, courtesy of Hollywood Elsewhere’s ability to scan a page of the upcoming issue of Vanity Fair. It’s quite retro, somewhat chic, a lot emo and… oh, those bangs. Depp truly does have a bit of a Nosferatu thing going on, which is refreshing. At least he doesn’t sparkle.
Special Urgent News Bulletin
You can now follow Movie News After Dark on Pinterest, a place where our FSR scavengers will pin awesome movie-related things to a board in the cloud. It’s very New Age, we assure you. Just click the button below.
Movieline has collected the 9 most scathing critical responses to Project X. Neither of our writers who addressed the film, Robert Levin or the impressively angry Brian Salisbury were featured. That said, they did provide some zingers that were right up there with the best of them.
It is true that Sam Neill’s random roles are better than most people’s not-so-random roles.
Congrats to Eric D. Snider and Jeff Bayer, who celebrated the 100th episode of Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider this week by reviewing The Lorax and whoring themselves out for some donations so that they can take on Cannes. It’s a worthwhile cause.
In the surprise move of the spring, Film Crit Hulk will take on SXSW in a panel called Arts Criticism 140 Characters At A Time. I wonder who he really is… I wonder if he speaks in all caps… All of these questions, ANSWERED!
Over at the HowAboutWe dating blog, The Date Report, our Cole Abaius guests in with The Bittersweet Rise and Fall of the Romantic Comedy, answering a soon to be major question: “Will people 50 years from now swoon over the idea of living life like a Katherine Heigl movie?”
Set your phasers to silence! Japanese researchers have built a speech-jamming gun that is designed to confuse the brain and stop you from talking mid-sentence. Oh, the terrible wonderful things this could do for many of my personal relationships and family outings.
Not long ago, minimalist movie posters became sort of a big deal on the internet. It’s a meme that works, because it allows artists to be expressive about their favorite cinematic events without having to express much. As a person who is trying to embrace minimalism, I’m not all that against it. Which is why I dig some of the work that Pascal Richon has done with his One Object Movie Minimalism project. You’ll see what that means below:
According to statistics, the latest trailer for The Avengers broke the iTunes download record with 13.7 million views. At least 130 of those were me rewatching the Hulk’s big catch near the end. It’s the stuff that fanboy dreams are made out of, folks.
It’s hard not to love Peter Hall’s Tales from the Elliptical series of articles over at Horror’s Not Dead. It’s a series of articles that promotes both good genre watching habits and good physical health habits. The damn thing might as well come with a side salad. Or something more sinister, considering the latest entry: Running Through the First Four Seasons of Tales from the Crypt.
The Drive soundtrack will be released on vinyl. I’ll buy that. Because I’m a hipster. And because I’m not sure if you guys noticed, but that soundtrack is incredible. (Note: I’m not actually a hipster. I’m so over hipsterism.)
“It almost feels incorrect to even describe what they do as “humor,” really. It’s more about taking the skeleton of comedy and using it against itself. In the world of Tim and Eric, comedy exists just so they can kill it. This ends up being labeled as comedy even though it’s purposely designed for you not to laugh. It’s laughing at you.” From a brilliant piece by Will Leitch at Gawker called The Oppressively Nihilistic Anti-Comedy Of Tim and Eric, Who Think You’re Stupid For Laughing. It basically says everything I feel about Tim and Eric, but better than I would have said it.
For years, I’ve thought of freelance journo Jordan Hoffman as a good guy. He’s a mensch, what can I say? But now, having read his recent article Goon - impressions of a hockey movie masterpiece, I’m convinced that he’s one of the greats. I loved that movie, I love this article, I love Jordan Hoffman. There, I said it.
President Obama has confirmed what the rest of us knew all along, that Omar is the best character on The Wire. Omar comin’, yo.
Sweet mother of Gryffindor. Warner Bros. has announced that they will be selling a 31-disc Harry Potter Wizards Collection, complete with… well… 31-discs of Harry Potter related content. Take that, Lord of the Rings box set #27.
Shortlist presents a reasonably long list exploring When Movie Titles Change. Did you guys see Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies? How about The Mighty Ducks Are the Champions?
We close tonight with a five-minute long featurette that takes you behind the scenes of The Raid: Redemption. It gets into some of the nitty gritty of how director Gareth Evans really amped up the action for his action thriller. It’s fascinating, wonderful and violent, just as (I’m told) the movie is.